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Uncle Bill Canadian Seal Organ -Penis Original whole Piece above 140g(加拿大Uncle Bill海豹鞭原值140克以上-按頭)

$10.00 (Fixed shipping cost)

Out of Stock

Product Description

 Fix Shipping Fee CA$10 ,Free shipping if order over CA$78, cover All Canada/USA/ Main Land of China.  Please remember to entry coupon code Y72ZT4XKZG to get free shipping when you check out and order over CA$78.

固定费加幣$10,订单满加幣$78免邮,配送地區覆蓋全加拿大/美国地區/中國大陸地區,結帳時如購買金額超過CA$78,記得輸入coupon code Y72ZT4XKZG 以取得免運費優惠.

This Item Cannot be shipped to USA&China (此項產品暫不配送美國及中國地區)

Canadian Seal Organ:

Seal have been harvested for food,fuel,clothing and other products for hundreds of years .

It is a valuable natural Canadian resource and seal harvesting is rigorously monitored by the Canadian government.

This product are provided by licensed seal dealers who only legally harvest from designated regions.


  • ①治五劳七伤,真阳衰惫,脐腹冷痛,肢体酸疼,腰背拘急,脚膝缓弱,面色黧黑,肌肉消瘦,目眩耳鸣,口苦舌干,饮食无味,腹中虚鸣,胁下刺痛,夜多异梦,昼 少精神,小便滑数,大肠溏泄,时有遗沥,但是风虚痼冷,皆宜服之:腽肭脐一对(酒蒸熟,打和后药),天雄(炮,去皮)、附子(炮,去皮、脐)、川乌(炮, 去皮、尖)、阳起石(煅)、钟乳粉各二两,鹿茸(酒蒸)一两,独体朱砂(研极细)、人参、沉香(不见火,别研)。上为细末,用腽肭脐膏入少酒,臼内杵,和 为丸,如桐子大。每服七十九,空心盐酒、盐汤任下。(《济生方》腽肭脐丸)
  • ②治下元久冷,虚气攻刺心脾小肠,冷痛不可忍:腽肭脐(焙,切)、吴茱萸(汤洗,焙炒)、甘松(洗,焙)、陈皮(汤浸去自,焙)、高良姜各一分。上五味捣罗为末,先用猪白服一个,去脂膏,入葱白三茎,椒十四粒,盐一捻,同 细锉银石器中,炒,入无灰酒三盏,煮令熟,去滓。每服七分盏,调药二钱巴,日三。(《圣济总录》腽肭脐散)












Return/Replacement Policy(退換貨政策):
All return request must be made within 7 days of the date you received the item. The product must have never been used and is shipped back to us with all original packaging and accessories. Merchandise can be returned for exchange or refund if the item to be materially defective, expired or short item(s).If customer wants to return the item for no reason, the customer is responsible for returning the item with their own funds.
Shipping Information(配送訊息) :
Your order will be shipped from my warehouse in Toronto using Canada Post Parcel or assigned shipping company with tracking number. All orders are shipped within the next three business days after your payment is received. It will take between 3 to 10 business days for your parcel to arrive depending on how far away from Toronto.For China, it will arrive roughly within 14 business days.
Sometimes , for long distance transportation ,We maybe join another courier with Canada Post to execute more efficiently delivery.
Fix Shipping Fee CA$10 ,Free shipping if order over CA$78, cover All Canada , USA and China.
您的订单将在您付款成功后的3个工作日内安排发货。产品由Canada Post 或指定的運輸公司承運,預計運送時間依據地區遠近,將會需要3-10個工作天,長距離運送可能會採取聯運方式以提高運送時效,中國到貨則需要大約14個工作天.
Payment (付款):
We accept PayPal payment only.
Disclaimer (免責聲明):
This product is not a disease to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent use, the actual product packaging and materials may contain information about products not covered by this website. Pregnancy, lactation, or are taking prescription medication, please consult a physician before using.

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